One of writing in one of my book "success in young age"
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Success in young age
Dear ladies and gantlemen, Boyd K. Packer said "young man speak about the future because they have no past, and old men speak of the past because they have no future."
As a young man we still have much time to do something useful, being successful in young age must be interesting. Jack ma ever said the biggest asset we have is we are still young. But we can see what happens to people at young age. It is very lamentable. All they do in daily life is only wasting their times doing useless things that even endanger their own selves.
Getting drunk, engaging in student fights, busy with their lovers then end up getting pregnant, addicting to drugs, others. They do all those things with pride in their heart and then even say "this is what you call modern youth!". In fact, they are deplorable on our eyes. They don't realize what they have been doing that truly will affect their own future days. They are ruining their own futures.
Keep your spirit on to keep moving forward. Nobody can change you except yourselves. Living in prosperity or living in dismal is your choice. The choice is on your hands. The key is what you can do, start from today.
Thank you for the attention. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
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